Strategy and leadership in health care

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Time for Reconciliation Hospital executives and physicians need to forge working relationships if they're going to weather rough times ahead.

A Different View of Information Disappointing results from information systems stem from two causes: the way we see information and the way we try to manage it.

Bare Knuckle Competition Niche players aren't the only competitors threatening hospitals.

Lessons from the Airlines Health care could learn a few things from upstart airlines.

Time to Wal-Mart Health Care Health care would do well to study Wal-Mart's use of information technology.

The Spirit of Craftsmanship Excellent results come from pride in work.

Planning for the Unknown Predicting the future is risky business, at best. It's better to plan for the possibilities.

Managing Complexity There are no simple formulas for governing an interconnected, ever-changing system.

When to Pay Attention It's not easy to decide which of our projects should receive more of our attention.

20 Years of Health Care Marketing A look back at some strategies that worked - and some that didn't.

Seeing Different Get outside the box, notice the view from another perspective, embrace new experiences. To be truly excellent, a leader must step away from tired agendas.

A Model of Cooperation There are better ways to bring physician practices into a health care organization than owning and controlling them.

The Health Care Ranking Lists Lists are poised to become a powerful force in health care. They deserve more than accidental development.

Strategy: What It Is, How It Works, Why It Fails When health care leaders subordinate strategy to operational concerns, the result is often strategic failure on a grand and expensive scale.

Marketing vs. Branding Marketing is being rediscovered...again.

The Decisions of the 1990s The view from a Monday morning quarterback.

Making History All organizations exist for some purpose but they are something more. They are history.

The Obsolescence of Independence An ocean of physician refugees search for a home. 

The Crash of ValuJet 592: Implications for Health Care Regarding errors simply as 'opportunities for improvement' is a dangerous oversimplification.

Articles on Strategy, Growth, Physicians and Leadership
By J. Daniel Beckham

"You've got to think about the big things while you're doing the small things so that all the small things go in the right direction."

Alvin Toffler
