Strategy and leadership in health care

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The Smell of Success Success is like an aroma. You can smell it, but chances are, you can't see it, feel it, or capture it.

Go With the Flow All worthwhile integration is about the facilitation of movement.

The Vision Thing It's frightening that many health care organizations can't seem to connect with anything more inspiring than preparing themselves to accept a capitated dollar.

The Architecture of Integration Without integration, there is no hope of effectively managing the cost, quality, and accessibility of care.

The Merits of Intentional Scarcity One of the greatest goods a leader can do for an organization may be to deny it the sedative of abundance.

Andrew's Not So Excellent Adventure You can spend every day of your life in a hospital and still not understand its fundamental realities.

Keeping an Eye on Time Haste makes waste, right? Well perhaps not. Speed drives down costs while enhancing quality.

Shodo Management In Japan, marketing and manufacturing have blended into a seamless flow of activities targeted to ever-rising levels of customer satisfaction.

Putting Learning to Work Information and learning now flow horizontally through society at a phenomenal clip, and as they flow, so does their inevitable traveling partner - change.

Lighting the Way
A strategic plan illuminates the path the organization will take to reach its mission and realize its vision.

Strategic Thinking and the Road to Relevance A strategic thinking organization "knows" what to do. It has "situational wisdom."

The New Marketing The marketing philosophy gives rise to a simple notion - that business organizations only exist "to get and to serve customers."

Tools for Staying Ahead Management tools that focus, inspire, empower, and liberate organizations.

Everyday Values Organizations that survive adversity and last for decades are "value-based".

The Capacity of Enabling Lawrence of Arabia faced a challenge remarkably similar to the one represented by today's physicians.

Quality Is Not Enough Quality is one of the critical ingredients for organizational success, but it's not the only ingredient.

Niched Get to know some part of the environment exceedingly well and dig in.

Tactics - The Hot and Sweaty Work It takes rich tactical experience to develop truly sound strategies. Tactics and execution ultimately determine the validity of a strategy.

Getting a Grasp on Quality The power of owning a high-quality market position can be overwhelming.

Articles on Strategy, Growth, Physicians and Leadership
By J. Daniel Beckham

"We must, indeed, all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately."

Benjamin Franklin
